Software Sorcery Ltd

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Sample projects


Software Sorcery is a small, one man company which specialises in writing software for PCs used in monitoring and data logging applications. Typically, the customer’s requirement is to gather data from a selection of disparate commercial devices such as cameras, pan and tilts, GPS, ADC cards, video loggers or other more specialist custom-built sensors. Software is required to co-ordinate the control and monitoring of these peripherals and to present a coherent operator interface. Such is the mainstream expertise of Software Sorcery.


Projects have ranged from those requiring only a single sensor monitored over a simple RS232 link to those with many sensors using different interfaces such as USB, TCPIP, RS485 and custom hardware accessed directly via the PC’s ISA bus.

Projects date back to the days of MSDOS 3 and 5.25 inch floppies. These days, nearly all software is produced using Borland Delphi and runs on various flavours of Windows.



